gelcoat pigment ratio
Milled Fibers: Finer than chopped glass, makes a harder putty that is strong and coarse. Available in 9 popular colors, sold separately, or . Avoid very thin films where surface area to volume ratio is high. Pigment darting or specks forming on surface. With the various fillers, for the right working consistency, you'll want about 60-70% mix to resin ratio. Gelcoats also have a maximum concentration of colorant that can be added to retain proper cured propertiesthis is usually 5-20%, and it varies by manufacturer. If the exact color you need is not available, a very true color "reproduction / match" can be achieved when mixing different color pigments together to "blend" into the color desired. White gel coat can be bought ready mixed with the correct amount of white pigment (can be up to 15% of pigment loading). Description For use in Polyester Based Resins, Gel Coats and Epoxy. Generally speaking and depending on the temperature a catalyst ratio of between 1.2% to 3% will give you the proper cure rate.. At 77F 1.8% MEKP will provide a gel time of 10-17 minutes. per quart (2 oz. Adding color to white gelcoat creates lighter, pastel colors. per gallon). As low as $12.32. . 10X60 Deep Red Pigment. Let the polyester filler cure until material is firm and tack free, about 10 minutes. An area of gelcoat adjacent to that being repaired is dewaxed, lightly wet-sanded (600 grit), compounded and wiped with acetone or lacquer thinner to expose fresh, clean gelcoat. Demonstration on how to add pigment to gel coat or resin. Pre-release of gel coat. Normally use .5 oz. Tacky to Touch 4.5-6 hours Set to Touch 6 hours Full Cure 7 days Clean-Up Isopropyl/Denatured Alcohol or Warm Soapy Water Recommended Storage Temperature 15-25 C (59-77 F) Shelf Life 2 years; unopened Wrong catalyst. Due to some tricky and expensive hazards goods rules around shipping, in most case these items will need to be sourced locally. To thin the gel coat, use styrene monomer. During cure, causing obvious surface distortion and low gloss. Mix MEKP 1-2% into putty prior to use. Allow gel coat to cure for longer time. 2. 20g of RS Pigment mixed into clear gelcoat will make up 400g of correct colour gelcoat. 10X62 Fire Engine Red Pigment. Paint 55. For the most accurate depiction of the gelcoat colors that we produce, we recommend looking at our physical gelcoat color matching chart. You simply place the color chart on the gelcoat to be matched and add a few drops of pigment. AWLGRIP 14. per gallon). Contamination. Keeping good notes will help you build a database of initiator levels for temperatures that you encounter frequently. Too little catalyst will take too long to cure. Below is a downloadable color chart showing all of our . a. Keep on adding the pigment and mixing until you have found an exact color match. Clear gelcoat and catalyst will need to be purchased separately. $ 11.99 - $ 109.99. We are pleased to say that now we can supply many of our older colours again and ship them worldwide, gelcoat Pigment is our solution! Coverage Rate 80 sf/gal. Clear gelcoat and catalyst will need to be purchased separately. Tinting: Gel coat repair putty may be tinted using Pigments designed for use in resins and gel coats. Usage: As little as one drop of pigment per quart of resin for a very light tint, upto 1/4oz per gallon for a darker appearance. Too much catalyst and the gel coat may pull away from the mold due to shrinkage. Check the temperature of the Gelcoat stock and insure that it is not below 70F. . 10X62430 Dragon Red Pigment. per quart (2 oz. Now add 10% (some pigments go up to 15%) by weight, of the polyester pigment paste of the desired colour (in 6kg of clear gel coat you will add 10% of pigment being 650 grams added). For smaller repairs, you should consider a gelcoat repair kit (available in 1oz and 4 oz kits) that include a gelcoat paste and the tints for custom matching. 1. These smooth and concentrated pigments match and blend with polyester resins, gel paste, epoxy resins, and putty. Most re-sprayed gel coat . If the exact color you need is not available, a very true color "reproduction / match" can be achieved when mixing different color pigments together to "blend" into the color desired. From this is a short video showing how to add pigment and catalyst to gelcoat - one of our most frequently asked questions. GelCoat Product Information Mix Ratio 1.5:1 by volume Working Time 20-30 minutes Recommended Application Thickness 20 mil. Use the color chart below to determine how to tint your gel coat. 1. ENCLOSED: Dropper bottle that will yield the exact ratios referenced on this chart when mixing small . FASTENERS 1; Hardeners 3. Walnut Shells: Brown in color and preferred for wood putty or nonskid since it has large particles. If adding pigment do so first and thoroughly stir in mixing well before adding catalyst, be careful not to under or over pigment. Note that lighter colors require roughly 6 to 8 fl oz of pigment per gallon of resin and 4 fl oz per gallon for darker colors. TotalBoat White Gelcoat (with wax or without wax) can be tinted by adding up to 1% colorant. 100%. Clean the fiberglass surface with ajax or comet and water. Under-cure from other causes. Dispersion pigments or colorants are used with polyester resins, epoxies, and white or neutral gelcoat to create custom colors and match existing finishes when used for repairs. of respondents would recommend this to a friend. $39.75. . Can be Tinted with Pigments Suitable for Gelcoat and Polyester Resins . Gel coat is a polyester resin and uses MEKP as the catalyst. (5% mix ratio) Only the pigment is supplied. 20g of RS Pigment mixed into clear gelcoat will make up 400g of correct colour gelcoat. Product Description. Ideal for color matching gelcoat and tinting epoxy for art applications, river tables, furniture, and woodworking projects. Only the pigment is supplied. The increase or decrease of MEKP will effect the pot-life and cure time of the gel coat. all 14 colors shown above. This liquid pigment can be added to polyester, epoxy and vinyl ester resins to achieve a colored transparent resin which will allow light to pass through. It's important that the fiberglass is clean before you gelcoat over it. Usually it is recommended to use around 16 oz of metal flake per gallon of gel coat and personal preference plays a role as there us no magic ratio for adding flake. Fairing Compound; Primer 4; TOPCOAT 7; wash 2; Bottom . For example, four drops of hardener will be 1 percent of 1 ounce of resin. Normally use .5 oz. Sand it down with 80 grit sandpaper until it's flush with the surface of the fiberglass. . We recommend a trial batch to determine final catalyst ratio. MEKP (Catalyst Ratio) The weight of MEKP is 1/125 grams per CC. When toning or adjusting colors with Gelcoat pigments, be sure "not" to add more than 5% pigment to the Gelcoat. As low as $6.76. Available in 1 oz and 4 oz containers. Transparent Pigments. Opaque, thin paste pigments for coloring epoxy resin, polyester resin, and gelcoat products. Pigment Darting. Mix the gel coat inside a pail thoroughly with a paint stirrer to disperse the metal flakes. 30 Drops is approximately equal to one CC (Cubic Centimeter) As low as $5.16. of Gelcoat = 2% 3% is the Maximum ratio. Good Strength and darker pigment. When color matching, the color of uncured gelcoat shifts when it cures, so you must always cure, wet-sand, then buff a color sample to see if it matches properly. 3. Optimum Ratio's by CC's @ 1.5% 75F Maximum Ratio's "May Effect Color" by CC's @ 3% Gallon 64.5cc 129cc Quart 15cc 30cc Pint 7.5cc 15cc . Gel Coat Pigment 5; Gel Coat White No Wax 3; Gel Coat White with Wax 4; Gelcoat Clear No Wax 1; Neutral Gel Coat 4; Tack Free Additive 2; Tooling Gel Coat 3; Hardware 3. For a list of our pigment, go to Description For use in Polyester Based Resins, Gel Coats and Epoxy. As low as $11.17. BROWN OUT OF STOCK - NO ETA. The ratio range for catalyst to resin is 1 to 2 percent hardener to the total volume of resin to be used. It is always best to make a test sample before use! If you are using gelcoat color for boats, we also recommend taking our physical gelcoat color matching chart outdoors to view it in the correct lighting. Mix in MEKP at 1% to 2%. Cream Hardeners 1; MEK 2; Ultra Violet Catalyst 1; Mold Fabrication 23. Add the MEKP to the . Step 1: Mix a reasonable amount of non-catalyzed gelcoat (enough for a total repair, (plus some spare, for future use). Adding color to neutral gelcoat creates bold, darker colors. This kit is specifically designed for matching gelcoat colors and achieves perfect color matches and professional looking gelcoat repair jobs. Do not use more than 1 oz tint per quart. These dispersion pigments are suitable for epoxies, polyesters, gelcoats, oil base alkyds, & polyurethanes. Approximately ten drops of MEKP to each 1/2oz. This will slow down the cure time. 10x50 Mustard Gold Pigment. 10X63 Red/Orange Pigment. Catalyst (MEPK) Ratios for Gelcoat and Resins Add the MEKP to the Gelcoat before thinning. (5% mix ratio) Use the base color shown above and then add the corresponding gel coat tint (gel coat coloring agent). The typical bass boat will use 2-3 lbs of metal flake in the gel coat. EP1707594A1 EP05007034A EP05007034A EP1707594A1 EP 1707594 A1 EP1707594 A1 EP 1707594A1 EP 05007034 A EP05007034 A EP 05007034A EP 05007034 A EP05007034 A EP 05007034A EP 1707594 A1 EP1707594 A1 EP 1707594A1 Authority EP European Patent Office Prior art keywords gelcoat filler pigment aluminium blue Prior art date 2005-03-31 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal .
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gelcoat pigment ratio