hardness of water lab report pdf

hardness of water lab report pdf

Hard water consumes soap before a lather will form and creates scale in boilers, water heaters, and pipes. Add 100 mL of distilled (soft) water to a 250 mL beaker. This manual mainly deals with the determination of physio-chemical and bacteriological properties of water. The hardness value was read and recorded from the hardness indicator. According to the city of Mesa's typical water quality values (1), Mesa's water hardness is between 12-22 grains per gallon which calculates to approximately 205-377 mg/L of calcium carbonate. Instructions for formal reports will be posted in the same sidebar as this lab. Report the hardness of the water in terms of milligrams of calcium carbonate generated per liter of solution (mg/L) keeping in mind that the samples presented have been concentrated by evaporation. Detergent in Hard Water 1. Title: Polarity in Water Objective(s): Finding out how water polarity functions and how may it be helpful. A sample of 25.00 mL of water is pipetted into a clean Erlenmeyer flask, and four drops of calmagite indicator are added, resulting in a pink solution. EDTA is standardized first and then . Properties of Water Lab Report Instructions: Choose a property of water and design an experiment to test the property. In todays lab, the goal was to determine the concentration of metal ion impurities in hard water using complexometric titration. Water hardness can be readily determined by titration with the chelating agent EDTA Then add 2.0 g of magnesium sulfate, MgSO 4, and stir. Use the following lab template to ensure all lab report components are included. Lab 2 Analyze your water samples for total hardness and for calcium. 0 - 60 mg/L soft 61-120 mg/L moderate 121-180 mg/L hard Hard water is generally not a health concern, but it can have an impact on how well soap lathers and is significant for some industrial and manufacturing processes. The elevating handle was turned in the reversed direction to lower the anvil and the specimen was removed. Hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium salts. 6-Hardness of water_b.pdf. Clothes laundered in hard water may look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. Take 100 ml of sample hard water in 250 ml beaker. Water Hardness: Determination with EDTA (1) . Author content. Pierola,Michelle A DR. ASMITA BUDRUK Introduction:. Water hardness is a Slightly hard has a range of 75-150. Page 1 of 50 - About 500 Essays. Testing for Water Hardness Background Info: Hard water has a lot of minerals (Calcium and Magnesium mainly) dissolved in it. Half-fill the first test tube with distilled water (soft . structure123. 2. Temporary hardness of water mg/L (CaCO3 Scale) = Total hardness of water - Permanent hardness of water Observation: The colour of soluble distilled water and R.O water instantly changed into blue while tap water and pond water turned wine red when Ericrome black T was added and therefore after turned blue when titrated against General Chemistry II Lab #4 - Determination of the Hardness of Water 1 One of the factors that establishes the quality of a water supply is its degree of hardness. Arrange three test tubes in a test-tube rack. Water hardness chart >180 Concentration as CaCO 3 Indication 0 to 60 ppm Soft water 60 to 120 ppm Moderately hard water 120 to 180 ppm Hard water ppm . . Results of the experiment that took place calculated that there was approximately 309.5 mg/L of CaCO3contained within the unknown sample. Boil it to remove temporary hardness to about half of this volume and cool to room temperature. The calcium and magnesium ions can form a complex with an indicator called eriochrome black T. At pH 10 the complex is purp le /red. Anything above 300 ppm is considered very heavy. The hardness of water is defined in terms of its content of calcium and magnesium ions. (Water Review, Consumer report, 1990). . Hardness: Hardness of the water is a feature resulting from the presence of alkaline earth metals in natural waters, particularly calcium and magnesium [32]. - 2. Hardness of water is a measure of the total concentration of the calcium and magnesium ions expressed as calcium carbonate. 15 - 50 ppm soft water 50 - 100 ppm medium hard water 100 - 200 ppm hard water >200 ppm very hard water (1 point) 3. Hard water is a purely aesthetic problem that causes soap and scaly deposits in plumbing and decreased cleaning action of soaps and detergents. The ability of natural water to act as a buffer is controlled in part by the amount of calcium and carbonate ions in solution. Total Hardness (CaC03 - calcium carbonate such as lime and chalk) Caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium. !These . Reading Your Water Analysis Report. workthenhas!to!be!done!in!order!to!get!the!same!energy!quantity.! hardness of a water source.3 Magnesium and calcium concentrations (the most abundant in water) are used to calculate water hardness by the formula: [CaCO 3] total = 2.5[Ca] + 4.1[Mg]. Complexometric Determination of Water Hardness Lab Report Introduction: In this lab the use of disodium salt of EDTA is used to determine the concentration of M^2+ metal ion impurities in hard water by chelometric titration. Report the water hardness as ppm CaCO 3 of a 50 ml water sample that . The letters HBS stand for Hardness Brinell with Steel ball, (HBW for tungsten carbide ball) but the qualification should be completed by indicating also the ball diameter (10 mm) and the applied force (load) (3000 kg). Above/on/beside lab bench Eriochrome Black T, 0.5% wt/vol. Laboratory Manual CHM 101/102. Step 3 to 19 was repeated for specimens of other methods and specimens. Typically, water hardness is measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Use a measuring cylinder to measure out 10 cm 3 of one of the samples of water from the list below into a conical flask: Rain water (solution A) Temporary hardness 2. Hard water interferes with almost every cleaning task from laundering and dishwashing to bathing and personal grooming (IANR, Water Quality 1996). Based off this data, the experiment results for water hardness should be accurate (considering the lab was done in Mesa) and it can be concluded that . Chemistry 201 Laboratory Fall 2008 Page 1 of 3 EXPERIMENT 1: HARDNESS OF WATER BY EDTA TITRATION INTRODUCTION Water 'hardness' is a measure of the amount of hard water cations in water. Precautions Submit to Dropbox / Lab: Hard Water Analysis Now pipette out 20 ml of this solution into a clean conical flask. The samples were concentrated 200 times over (i.e. Total water hardness is usually expressed as the milligrams of CaCO3 equivalent to the total amount of calcium and magnesium present in one liter of water (mg/liter, i.e., ppm). Possible sources of errors in this lab may have resulted from two known systematic errors and random errors. Carbonate ion and calcium ion both come from calcium carbonate or limestone. Three reading was taken from each tested specimen and method. The initial buret reading is 0.52 mL. Lab 3 Finish your analyses. . Our results of an overall decrease of 33.69% for total water hardness, an overall decrease of 79.02% for individual calcium hardness, and an overall decrease of 8.72% for individual magnesium hardness indicated that there was a significant decrease in the hardness of water after passing the water through a Brita filter. Water is considered softif its hardness is less than 75 parts per million (ppm), moderately hard at 75 to 150 ppm, hard between 150 and 300 ppm, and very hard at 300 ppm or higher. LAB REPORT Write a formal lab report for this lab. 3 Table 1. Lab 1 Prepare and standardize your calcium carbonate and EDTA solutions. Chemistry Project to Measure the Amount of Acetic Acid in Vinegar. b. river, well, lake). Apparatus required for testing the hardness of different water samples Collect about 75 cm 3 of soap solution in a small beaker. hardness of the water. Label this beaker hard water. Preparation and investigation of mechanical properties of 1350-h19 Al . Content may be subject to copyright. There are two types of hardness: 1. This lab experiment demonstrated the successful implementation of complexometric titration to test the "hardness" of tap water. Complexometri. Our sample was in the hard weight range. Based on the hardness of the unknown sample, suggest where it might have come from (e.g. Water quality is evaluated using a number of parameters, including total ionic content, pH, total dissolved solids, organic compounds, and water hardness. Table 4 will help you interpret the hardness parameters cited on your analysis. Estimation of Hardness of Water by EDTA Method 3 In the pH range 8-10, the blue form of the indicator HD2- gives a wine red complex with Mg2+: Mg+2 + HD 2- MgD- + H+ (Blue) (Wine red) Now if EDTA (H2Y 2-) is added to such a solution Mg2+ preferentially complexes with EDTA (since the metal EDTA complex is more stable than the metal-indicator complex) and liberates the free indicator Mbee. This will also aid to determine optimum dosing for common physiochemical treatments. There are many tests that look for clues instead - things like pH, hardness, or chloride. Lab Report 7 (Chem 26.1) The Determination of Water Hardness and Water Filtration Things for the lab notebook and to be included in the lab report: 1. If I had to do this experiment again, it would be helpful to put in more pointers at the beginning. Set up a burette and, using the small funnel, fill it with soap solution. These hard water cations include calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and the other polyvalent metal ions. Lab reports are the lists of codes and numbers that show the results of your water testing. The ultimate procedure of water analysis is to Water quality is something we take very seriously at Hach The 305(b) Report summarizes the general water quality of surface waters in Tennessee For other water quality information, please see our extensive water quality web pages or call (206) 615-0827 2006 2004 2002 2006 2004 2002. Safety Notes: Always have parent(s) or guardian(s) permission and supervision when . Permanent hardness Temporary Hardness is due to the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. Akhmad Riyanto. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Hard water can also cause scale buildup in hot water heaters and reduce their effective lifetime. picking up minerals including calcium and magnesium, ions which produce hard water. This was to be achieved using EDTA, a disodium salt and chelating agent, and Eriochrome Black T, an indicator for color change. STEM Material. Hard is between 150 and 300. Water quality analysis is carried . Filter through filter paper to remove insoluble CaCO3and MgCO3. The dissolution of soil minerals and. Write the equation for the titration of Ca+2 with EDTA. c Determination of Water Hardness. Report as "Total Hardness (EDTA) = ____ mg/L as CaCO 3" or as "Calcium Hardness (EDTA) = ____ mg/L as CaCO 3" c. Hardness due to magnesium is determined by calculation, Magnesium Hardness = Total Hardness - Calcium Hardness 6.0 Quality Control Standardize the 0.01M EDTA titrant monthly and use the new titer when calculating hardness. 1. incoming water hardness - take a water sample from a tap that bypasses or is before the water softener 2. water hardness after a water softener regeneration or "backwash" cycle 3. water hardness a day or more after a backwash cycle, or each day of normal water usage in the building if the tested material is too hard (more than 450 HBS for steel ball or more than 650 HBW for tungsten carbide ball). Part I: Soap vs. (3 points) 5. . You now have prepared a stock solution of hard water. Water hardness structured by a numerical range. Content uploaded by Ifeyinwa Obianyo. a 10 mL sample was originally a 2 L sample). Hard water does not mix well with soaps. Manish. The indicator Eriochrome Black T will help detect when you EDTA has completely chelated . So water that comes in contact with limestone will contain high levels of both Ca++ and CO3 2- ions and have elevated hardness and alkalinity. also!block!heat!being!transferred!in!boilers,!this!leads!to!the!loss!of!money!because!more! Water that has 0 to 17 mg/L is considered soft water, 18 to 60 mg/L is considered slightly hard water, 61 to 120 mg/L is considered moderately hard water, 121 to 180 mg/L is considered hard water, and 181 mg/L and greater is considered very hard water11. It can be easily removed by boiling. Water Quality can be defined as the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for a designated use [16]. Pre-Laboratory Assignment Hardness of Water Titration You run an analysis of a water sample according to Part 1 of the laboratory procedure, titrating the solution with 0.0100 M sodium hydrogen EDTA. Make up the volume to the original 100 ml by adding distilled water. Water hardness may . The manual contains relevant fundamental chemistry and biology concepts/theories and their applications in environmental engineering. Comment on the precision of the class data on hardness and nitrate content for the unknown samples. Informal report Date submitted_____ Identifying the hardness of water is identifying the amounts of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) within the unknown sample. Ca 2+ (aq) + eriochrome black T aq) Ca (eriochrome black T) 2+ (aq) purple /red You can determine the hardness of a sample by . The outcome of this hypothesis is confirmed by the data in the calculations section of this lab report. Write the equations for the endpoint color change of Eriochrome Black T (EBT) with Mg+2 3. Comparing these results allowed us to conclude the possibilities of where the sample was taken. There are no health limits for these, but they can help you do things like find the source of a problem or choose the right Lab Report Example. in Ethanol Hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M Magnesium chloride, 0.01 M Magnesium-EDTA, 0.01 M . Go back through the lab and read it several times to look for data you will need to gather and what you will need to present as your final result! Because of this, you can test for the hardness of water by looking at the amount of bubbles produced when you mix water and soap. Soft water has a ppm between 0 and 75.

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hardness of water lab report pdf